A messy garage with boxes piled to the ceiling is hardly useful. Instead, try utilizing these seven garage organization and storage tips.
Garages are one of the most popular and sought-after features for homebuyers. While most newer houses come with garages or carports, 37% of all houses in the US come with one, and not all of them are used for storing cars.
We use our garages for a lot of different reasons, from storage, to workshops, to playrooms. No matter what they’re used for, however, sometimes they can get away from us in our regular cleaning routines.
Luckily, there are things we can do about that. Let’s talk about some garage organization tips to help you
Garage Organization Tips: Clear The Space
You want to clear the garage floor of just about everything before you get started. Ideally, everything in your garage will fit against the outside walls of the garage, either in cabinets, organizers or on its own.
Getting everything out of the way initially, even if you have to keep it under a tarp outside for a bit, gives you the freedom to measure, move around when you’re working, and create a plan.
Garage Sale
The next thing on your list should be having a garage sale. It’s called a garage sale because that’s where we keep the stuff we barely use, so go through everything and actually try to get rid of things.
If you look at something and you have to think about it for a bit, chances are that you don’t really need it. If it’s been sitting in a box in the garage for the last 4 seasons, then you don’t need it.
If you don’t have a lot of stuff to get rid of, try putting them on Craigslist or on a free website. If there’s a lot to get rid of, this is unrealistic.
A garage sale is a great way to get rid of a lot of stuff and make a few extra bucks for organization materials or any new projects you want to start with your new space. The stuff that doesn’t get sold should be donated if it’s still functional, or tossed if it isn’t. Getting rid of stuff is hard, but it’s a necessary evil.
Create A Plan
Alright, if you’ve gotten rid of the stuff you don’t need and cleared out your space completely, it’s time to plan it out. Measure your space, along with your larger items. If you’re planning to fit your car in here, measure your car and give at least a foot on either side from anything else to avoid damaging any of your property.
If your tool bench, snowmobile, riding mower, or anything else gets in the way of the car, you’ll have to work around that. See if you can put it against the back wall. If your car is short enough, you might be able to close the garage door without hitting anything. If not, one of them has to go.
If your garage is going to be a workshop and storage space, plan for a lot of open space still. Not only will you feel less cramped in your workspace, but you’ll be able to bring in big materials that you’ll be working with, like plywood, logs, or big sheets of metal.
Know what your biggest equipment is going to be, how much space you’ll need around it, and plan accordingly. These items should be placed first since smaller equipment is easier to adjust as you need.
Also, be sure to plan on keeping tools and accessories that work in tandem together. Sockets go with their wrench, batteries go with their power tools, and mowers go with their gas. Planning for this will save you a lot of back and forth trips in the future.
Get The Right Equipment
A garage wall organizer, overhead storage, shelving, or standing cabinets are all great storage for your items. Larger things like snowblowers or lawn mowers can stand on their own, but keep them as tight to the wall as possible. There are even designated garage storage systems that are perfect for this.
If you are planning to use the garage as a workstation, make sure your tool bench has plenty of drawers for easy access, and that the wall above it has plenty of hooks to hang your most important tools from. A nice tool organizer will definitely come in handy as well.
Vertical Space Is Your Best Friend
In a garage, you have plenty of horizontal space. It likely has the most area of any room in your house. However, whether it’s for work or car storage, that space is critical.
The other good part about garages is that they also likely have more wall area than any other room in your home. Hooks (or lockers with hooks) can hold all of your gardening and yard equipment, shelves and cabinets can hold all your tools, and drawers can hold all of your smaller items. It makes everything a lot easier to walk through and find than just stacking boxes.
Improve Your Garage
Now that you have your space cleared, make it easier to access by updating your garage doors with a garage door opener, the right lighting, better flooring, and whatever else you need. Clean it up, give it a good sweeping and dusting, and make it into a homey space to work in.
Enjoy Your New Space
Now that you know a few garage organization tips, there’s no time like today to get started. Clear it out, clean it up, and get the right storage equipment. It’ll look like a brand new space once you’re done.
If you’re a home owner looking to upgrade this space, find out how some garage improvements can instantly increase your home value!
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